Симеон Панев

Катедра “Приложна Механика”

Департамент по Физико-Математически и Технически Науки

Химикоехнологичен и Металургичен Университет - София

8 бул. “Климент Охридски”, 1756 София, България.


Tel: (+359 2) 8163 465;  Fax: (+359 2) 8688 173;  Email: pan@uctm.edu




Фамилия: ПАНЕВ    Име: СИМЕОН

Личен адрес: София, Младост 4, bl. 442, вх.A, ет. 2, ап.5 (България)
Телефон: (+359 2)877 91 69
Роден: Царева ливада, област Габрово, България, 3 Ноември 1949.
Семейно положение: Женен, две деца.
Националност: Българин


Машинен инженер, Технически университет - София, Юли 1972.

Инженер - математик, Център по Приложна Математика към Техническия университет - София, 1973.

PhD, Технически науки, Технически университет - София, Юли 1979.

DSc, Технически науки, Технически университет - София, Май 2003.


Научен сътрудник,  Институт по Металознание към БАН, София, 1979 - 1984.

Главен асистент,  Химико-Технологичен и Металургичен Университет - София, от 1984 до 1989.

Доцент,  Химико-Технологичен и Металургичен Университет - София, 1989.

Професор,  Химико-Технологичен и Металургичен Университет - София, 2005 -.



Химико-Технологичен и Металургичен Университет – София


Теоретична Механика, 1984-1992;

Теория на Машините и механизмите, 1984-1992;

Приложна Механика, 1984-1998;

Техническа механика, 1998 -.


Френски факултет към ХТМУ – София


Mecaniquе, 1994 -;

Mathematiques appliquees, 1997 -;

Methods numeriques, 1997 -.





Механични вибрации (Център по Приложна Математика към Техническия университет - София, 1976).

Теоретична Механика (Технически университет - София, 1977-1984).

Теоретична Механика, Съпротивление на Материалите, Изследване на Роботи (ENSET, Tunis, 1992-1994).

Вариационно Смятане и Вариационни Принципи в Механиката (Химико-Технологичен и Металургичен Университет - София, 2004 -).



Идентификационни Методи за Нелинейни Механични Системи.

Теория на Некоректните Задачи.

Обратни Проблеми в Техниката.

Вариационни методи за Управление на Технологични процеси.

Нелинейни Механични Системи. Вибрации.

Геометричен, Кинематичен и Динамичен Анализи на Роботи.

Управление на Роботи.

Числени Методи.

Приложна Механика.

Приложна Математика.

Числено Моделиране и Създаване на Алгоритми и Компютърни програми.





1.    Heat conduction between a cast and a form in the conditions of anti-pressure, prof.I.Dimov, prof.I.Nedialkov, S.Panev; Metal   Science Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1978-1980.

2.    Research of the asymmetry of the temperature field of a cylindrical form when interacting with the cast, Metal Science Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1982-1983.

3.    Methods for designing of systems for utilization of VER with application of thermo-pumps, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy of Sofia, 1986-1988.

4.       Computer application for automation of geometrical, kinematic and dynamic analysis of plain mechanisms of second class, Committee of science at Minister’s council, 1987-1989.



PhD, С. Панев, Идентификация на параметри при машинни агрегати, Технически университет - София, 1979.

DSc, С. Панев, Обратни задачи в механиката, свързани с управление на някои системи тела, Технически университет - София, 2003.





Ръководство на докторанти: Ръководител и Научен консултант на 5 докторанти.


Специализации: INSA-Lyon,1997; UC-Louvain la Neuve, 2002.


Владеене на чужди езици: руски, английски, френски.





1.  Panev S. , Identification de parametres de machines agregats. These pour l’obtention du titre de titulaire d’un doctorat du troisieme cycle en sciences techniques, PhD, Universite technique de Sofia, Bulgarie,1980.

2.   Panev S., Manuel de projection et d’exercices laboratoires en theorie de mecanismes et machines a l’aide d’ordinateures. Maison d’edition de l’Universite Technologique de Sofia, Bul,1989.

3.  Panev S. Mecanique. Université de Technologie Chimique et de Métallurgie de Sofia-Filiere francophone, p. 245, Sofia, 2002.

4. Panev S., Inverse Tasks of the Mechanics Related to Control of  Some Body Systems, DSc, Technical University of Sofia, 2003.

5. Panev S. Mathematiques Appliques. Universitе de Technologie Chimique et de Mеtallurgie de Sofia-Filiere francophone, p. 211, Sofia, 2003.

6. Panev S. Methodes Numeriques. Université de Technologie Chimique et de Mеtallurgie de Sofia-Filiere francophone, p. 138, Sofia, 2003.

7. Panev S. Exercises de Mathematiques Appliques. Universitе de Technologie Chimique et de Mеtallurgie de Sofia-Filiere francophone, p. 117, Sofia, 2004.

8. Panev S. Exercises de Mecanique. Universitе de Technologie Chimique et de Mеtallurgie de Sofia-Filiere francophone, p. 154, Sofia, 2004.




1.     Panev S.B., Sur une tache periodique de commande. Recueil des Instituts Superieurs “Mecanique appliquee”, Volume 13,1.2, Sofia, Bulgarie, 1978.

2.     Panev S.B., Methode a l’identification des parametres d’un systeme mecanique forte nonlineaire. Annuaire des Instituts Superieurs “Physique technique”, Volume 15, 1.2, 1978, Sofia, Bulgarie, 1978.

3.     Panev S.B., Commande des parametres elastiques d’un agregat de deux masses pour oppresser des couples dynamiques. Annuaire des Instituts Superieurs “Physique technique”, Vol. 17, 1.2, Sofia, Bulgarie, 1980.

4.     Panev S.B., Automatisation de l’analyse geometrique et cinematique de mecanismes plansRevue “Pensee Technique, Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 1, Sofia, Bul ‘89.

5.     Panev S.B., Automatisation de l’analyse des forces de mecanismes plans. Revue “Physique technique”, vol. 25,1.2, Sofia, Bul,1988.

6.     Panev S.B., Algorithme d’analyse dynamique de machine agregat. Revue “Pensee Technique”, Academie Bulgare des sciences, 5, Sofia, Bul,’88.

7.     Panev S.B., Commande de robot industriel. Revue “Pensee Technique”, Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. XXIII,1.6, Sofia, Bul,1987.

8.    Panev S.,G. Siarras, S. Karapetrova, D. KisselkovOptimization of gyroscopic system. “Mechanics, Machine science and metrolog”, vol.37, b.5, Rousse, Bul’99.

9.     Panev S., G. Siarras, S. Karapetrova, D. KisselkovOptimization of a maneuver. “Mechanics, Machine science and metrolog”, vol.37, b.5, Rousse, Bul ‘99.

10.   Panev S., G. Siarras, D. KisselkovAbout one problem of stability.  “Applied mechanics”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol.30, №4, 2000.

11. Panev S.Lessev Il., Karapetrova S., On an inverse tribotechnical problem. Machinostroene, Sofia, Bul, ’01.

12.    Panev S., Fayet M., Lessev Il., Sur une tache variationnelle de la commande d’un robotMachinostroene, Sofia, Bul, ’01.

13. Panev S. and M. Fayet. Determination of the integration constants  from a variation problem related to the control of a  robot. 9th  National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,Varna, Bul,2001.

14. Panev S. and M.Fayet. Determining the laws of movement of the engines from the control of a robot. 9th National congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, Bul, 2001.

15. Simeon Panev and Michel Fayet. Computer Control of a Robot for realization of a Smooth Motion. Proceedings of  RoManSy 2002: 14th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robotics, Udine, Italy, July 1-4, 2002.

16. S. Panev, M. Fayet, S. Karapetrova. An inverse geometrique model of a robot with parallel axes. Proceedings of ESDA2002: 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2002.

17. S. Panev, S. Karapetrova, D. Kisselkov. Researching the work area of a robot with parallel axes. Proceedings of ESDA2002: 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2002.

18. S. Panev, S. Karapetrova. An inverse geometrique model of a robot with perpendicular axes. Proceedings of 6th National Conference on Theory of mechanisms and Machines, Varna, Bulgaria, September 12-14, 2002.

19.  S. Panev, J.C. Samin. Control of an Omnimobile Robot. Proceedings of Syroco`03, 7th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Wroclaw, Poland, September 1-3, 2003.

 20. S. Panev, Р. Филева. Computer Control of a Robot for Technological Operations. Scientific Conference “Synthesis and Analysis of Mechanisms”, Sliven, June 2003.

 21. Panev S. On a Boundary Task from the Control of an Omnimobile Robot. National Conference Dynamics of Mechanical Systems, Varna, September 7-9, 2003.

 22. Panev S. Optimal Control of an Omnimobile Robot at Fixed Trajectory.

       PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference “Power Transmissions ’03”, Varna, September 11-13, 2003.

 23. Lessev Il., S. Panev. New Conception for а Direction of Single Rowing Boats. PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference “Power Transmissions ’03”, Varna, September 11-13, 2003.

 24. Panev S., R. Phileva. Application of the Finite Automata to the Control of Robots.                 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Research and Development in Mechanical Industry”, RaDMI 2003, Montenegro Adriatic, 19-21 September 2003.

 25. Petkov P., R. Phileva, S. Panev, E. Jonchev. Microprocessor  Control of Uninterruptible Power Supplies for Responsible  Loads. PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2003, 19-20 June 2003 г., Sofia, Bulgaria.

 26. Petkov P., R. Phileva, S. Panev, E. Jonchev. Microprocessor System for Analysis, Diagnostic and Supervision of Unstationary Work Regimes of Batteries Including in UPS. PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2003, 19-20 June 2003 г., Sofia, Bulgaria.

 27.  Phileva R., S. Panev.  Control Algorithm for Uninterruptible Power Supply System. AUTOMATICA & INFORMATICS, series SCIENCE & RESEARCH, year XXXVI,   N0 7/2003.

 28.  Phileva R., S. Panev. Control System of the Output Voltage of Autonomos Inverters.              3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Research and Development in Mechanical Industry”, RaDMI 2003, Montenegro Adriatic, 19-21. September 2003.

29. S. Panev, Lessev Il. Geometrical Analysis of New Type Flat-bottomed Vessel. TU -  Varna, J. “Mechanics of  the Machines”, year 12, book 4, 2004 г.

30. S. Panev, Lessev Il. Kinematic Analysis of New Type Flat-bottomed Vessel. TU -  Varna, J. “Mechanics of  the Machines”, year 13, book 1, 2005 г.



1.     Panev S.B., Sur une tache periodique de commande. Recueil des Instituts Superieurs “Mecanique appliquee”, Volume 13,1.2, Sofia, Bulgarie, 1978.

2.     Panev S.B., Methode a l’identification des parametres d’un systeme mecanique forte nonlineaire. Annuaire des Instituts Superieurs “Physique technique”, Volume 15, 1.2, 1978, Sofia, Bulgarie, 1978.

3.     Panev S.B., Commande des parametres elastiques d’un agregat de deux masses pour oppresser des couples dynamiques. Annuaire des Instituts Superieurs “Physique technique”, Vol. 17, 1.2, Sofia, Bulgarie, 1980.

4.     Panev S.B., Automatisation de l’analyse geometrique et cinematique de mecanismes plansRevue “Pensee Technique, Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 1, Sofia, Bul ‘89.

5.     Panev S.B., Automatisation de l’analyse des forces de mecanismes plans. Revue “Physique technique”, vol. 25,1.2, Sofia, Bul,1988.

6.     Panev S.B., Algorithme d’analyse dynamique de machine agregat. Revue “Pensee Technique”, Academie Bulgare des sciences, 5, Sofia, Bul,’88.

7.     Panev S.B., Commande de robot industriel. Revue “Pensee Technique”, Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Vol. XXIII,1.6, Sofia, Bul,1987.

8.     Panev S.,G. Siarras, S. Karapetrova, D. KisselkovOptimization of gyroscopic system. “Mechanics, Machine science and metrolog”, vol.37, b.5, Rousse, Bul’99.

9.      Panev S., G. Siarras, S. Karapetrova, D. KisselkovOptimization of a maneuver. “Mechanics, Machine science and metrolog”, vol.37, b.5, Rousse, Bul ‘99.

10.   Panev S., G. Siarras, D. KisselkovAbout one problem of stability.  “Applied mechanics”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, vol.30, №4, 2000.

11.   Panev S.Lessev Il., Karapetrova S., On an inverse tribotechnical problem. Machinostroene, Sofia, Bul, ’01.

12.    Panev S., Fayet M., Lessev Il., Sur une tache variationnelle de la commande d’un robotMachinostroene, Sofia, Bul, ’01.

13. Panev S. and M. Fayet. Determination of the integration constants  from a variation problem related to the control of a  robot. 9th  National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,Varna, Bul,2001.

14. Panev S. and M.Fayet. Determining the laws of movement of the engines from the control of a robot. 9th National congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, Bul, 2001.

15. Simeon Panev and Michel Fayet. Computer Control of a Robot for realization of a Smooth Motion. Proceedings of  RoManSy 2002: 14th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robotics, Udine, Italy, July 1-4, 2002.

16. S. Panev, M. Fayet, S. Karapetrova. An inverse geometrique model of a robot with parallel axes. Proceedings of ESDA2002: 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2002.

17. S. Panev, S. Karapetrova, D. Kisselkov. Researching the work area of a robot with parallel axes. Proceedings of ESDA2002: 6th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, July 8-11, 2002.

18. S. Panev, S. Karapetrova. An inverse geometrique model of a robot with perpendicular axes. Proceedings of 6th National Conference on Theory of mechanisms and Machines, Varna, Bulgaria, September 12-14, 2002.

19.  S. Panev, J.C. Samin. Control of an Omnimobile Robot. Proceedings of SYROCO`03,  7th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Wroclaw, Poland,September 1-3, 2003.

 20. S. Panev, Р. Филева. Computer Control of a Robot for Technological Operations. Scientific Conference “Synthesis and analysis of mechanisms”, Sliven, June 2003.

 21. Panev S. On a Boundary Task from the Control of an Omnimobile Robot. National Conference DYNAMICS OF МECHANICAL SYSTEMS, Varna, September 2003.

 22. Panev S. Optimal Control of an Omnimobile Robot at Fixed Trajectory.

       PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference “POWER TRANSMISSIONS ’03”, Varna, September 11-13, 2003.

 23. Lessev Il., S. Panev. New Conception for а Direction of Single Rowing Boats. PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference “POWER TRANSMISSIONS ’03”, Varna, September 11-13, 2003.

 24. Panev S., R. Phileva. Application of the Finite Automata to the Control of Robots.                 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Research and Development in Mechanical Industry”, RaDMI 2003, Montenegro Adriatic, 19-21 September 2003.

 25. Petkov P., R. Phileva, S. Panev, E. Jonchev. Microprocessor  Control of Uninterruptible Power Supplies for Responsible  Loads. PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2003, 19-20 June 2003 г., Sofia, Bulgaria.

 26. Petkov P., R. Phileva, S. Panev, E. Jonchev. Microprocessor System for Analysis, Diagnostic and Supervision of Unstationary Work Regimes of Batteries Including in UPS. PROCEEDINGS of the International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies CompSysTech’2003, 19-20 June 2003 г., Sofia, Bulgaria.

 27.  Phileva R., S. Panev.  Control Algorithm for Uninterruptible Power Supply System. AUTOMATICA & INFORMATICS, series SCIENCE & RESEARCH, year XXXVI,   N0 7/2003.

 28.  Phileva R., S. Panev. Control System of the Output Voltage of Autonomos Inverters.              3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “Research and Development in Mechanical Industry”, RaDMI 2003, Montenegro Adriatic, 19-21. September 2003.

29. S. Panev, Lessev Il. Geometrical Analysis of New Type Flat-bottomed Vessel. TU -  Varna, J. “Mechanics of  the Machines”, year 12, book 4, 2004 г.


30. S. Panev, Lessev Il. Kinematic Analysis of New Type Flat-bottomed Vessel. TU -  Varna, J. “Mechanics of  the Machines”, year 13, book 1, 2005 г.

31. Simeon Panev. Optimization of the coupled two-carrier planetary gears’ parameters. 5th International Conference ²Research and Development in Mechanical Industry² RaDMI 2005 04 - 07. September 2005, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro.

32. Симеон Панев, Илиян Лесев. Динамичен анализ на съда, от плавателно съоръжение с нов тип  на задвижване. Научна конф. “Динамика на механични системи”, Варна, 10-12 септември, 2005.

33. Simeon Panev. An impulse method of a dynamic pliancy for assemblage. 10th National congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, Bul, 13-16. 12. 2005.

34. Simeon Panev, Ilian Lessev. Dynamic analysis of the oar of a flat -bottomed rowing vessel  with new type of driving. 2nd International Conference "Power Transmissions '06" 25 - 26. April 2006, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro.

35. Симеон Панев, Илиян Лесев, Ан. Велчев. Определяне на челното съпротивление на водата към съда отплоскодънно плавателно съоръжение. Научна конф. “Синтез и анализ на механизми”, Сливен, юли, 2006.

36. Симеон Панев, Илиян Лесев, Ан. Велчев. Единна система диференциални уравнения, описваща движението на плоскодънен плавателен съд и алгоритъм за пресмятането и. Научна конф. “Динамика на механични системи”, Варна, 10-12 септември, 2006.

37. Симеон Панев, Веселин Илиев. Приложение на симпатичните махала в еластометрията. Научна конф. “Синтез и анализ на механизми”, Сливен, юли, 2007.

38. Симеон Панев, Веселин Илиев. Приложение на явлението биене за идентифициране на еластичните модули на материалите. Научна конф. “Синтез и анализ на механизми”, Сливен, юли, 2007.




1.   Panev S.B., Sur une methode a resoudre de taches forte-nonlineaires en theorie des vibrations. Recuil de rapports du Troisieme Congres a Mecanique,Varna, Bulgarie,’77.

2.   Panev S.B., Algorithme de definition des parametres d’un systeme de vibroprotection et sa application dans la pratique  laboratoire en theorie des mecanismes et machines. Session scientifique de l’Institut a Mecanique appliquee, Sofia, Bul’87.

3.    Panev S.B., Commande du mouvement d’un robot a l’aide de microcomputer.  Conference Internationale, Plovdiv, Bulgarie, X, 1987.

4.    Panev S.B.,  Algorithme a resoudre d’une tache inverse du frottement et son application dans la pratique laboratoire en theorie des machines. Session scientifique de l’ Institut. Mecanique appliquee, Sofia, Bul,’87.

5.    Panev S.B., Application d’ordinateur a l’analyse geometrique, cinematique et force de mecanismes plans a l’enseignement en theorie des machines. Session scientifique de l’Universit? Technique, Sofia, Bul, 1987.

6.    Karapetrova S., Panev S., Friction of bearings contact seals of RS type. Proceedings 6th International Congress on Tribology, Budapest, Eurotrib’93.

7.    Karapetrova S., Panev S., Friction in the presence of an eccentricity with respect to the sealing washer axis. Proceedings 5th International Symposium INTERTRIBO’93, Bratislava.

8.    S.Panev and M.Fayet. Determination of the integration constants from a variation problem related to the control of a robot. 9th  National Congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,Varna, Bul,’01.

9.    S.Panev and M.Fayet. Determining the laws of movement of the engines from the control of a robot. 9th National congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, Bul, ‘01.

10.  S.Panev, Lessev Il., Kisselkov D. Determination of the parameters of a  vibroprotected system. Proceedings XIth International Conference “ТЕМТ 2001 “,  Sofia, Bul,’01.

11. Simeon Panev and Michel Fayet. Computer Control of a Robot for realization of a Smooth Motion. RoManSy 2002: 14th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robotics, Udine, Italy, July 1-4, 2002.

12. Simeon Panev. Optimization of the coupled two-carrier planetary gears’ parameters. 5th International Conference ²Research and Development in Mechanical Industry² RaDMI 2005 04 - 07. September 2005, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro.

13. Симеон Панев, Илиян Лесев. Динамичен анализ на съда, от плавателно съоръжение с нов тип  на задвижване. Научна конф. “Динамика на механични системи”, Варна, 10-12 септември, 2005.

14. Simeon Panev. An impulse method of a dynamic pliancy for assemblage. 10th National congress for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Varna, Bul, 13-16. 12. 2005.

15. Simeon Panev, Ilian Lessev. Dynamic analysis of the oar of a flat -bottomed rowing vessel  with new type of driving. 2nd International Conference "Power Transmissions '06" 25 - 26. April 2006, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro.

16. Симеон Панев, Илиян Лесев, Ан. Велчев. Определяне на челното съпротивление на водата към съда отплоскодънно плавателно съоръжение. Научна конф. “Синтез и анализ на механизми”, Сливен, юли, 2006.

17. Симеон Панев, Илиян Лесев, Ан. Велчев. Единна система диференциални уравнения, описваща движението на плоскодънен плавателен съд и алгоритъм за пресмятането и. Научна конф. “Динамика на механични системи”, Варна, 10-12  септември, 2006.

18. Симеон Панев, Веселин Илиев. Приложение на симпатичните махала в еластометрията. Научна конф. “Синтез и анализ на механизми”, Сливен, юли, 2007.

19. Симеон Панев, Веселин Илиев. Приложение на явлението биене за идентифициране на еластичните модули на материалите. Научна конф. “Синтез и анализ на механизми”, Сливен, юли, 2007.

20. Simeon Panev. Optimization of the coupled two-carrier planetary gears’ parameters. 5th International Conference ²Research and Development in Mechanical Industry² RaDMI 2005 04 - 07. September 2005, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia and Montenegro.

21. Simeon Panev, Ilian Lessev. Dynamic analysis of the oar of a flat -bottomed rowing vessel  with new type of driving. 2nd International Conference "Power Transmissions '06" 25 - 26. April 2006, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro.