Многофункционални, иновативни слоеве за конструкционни метали и сплави - MULTINNOCOAT


ПУБЛИКАЦИИ относно проекта

S. Kozhukharov, M. Milanes, C. Girginov. Impact of the inherent structural characteristics of AA2024-T3 and D16AM aircraft alloys on the cerium oxide primer layers morphology.

Abstract: The corrosion protection of fuselages via deposition of multilayered coating systems is an indispensable practice in the aircraft industry. Each conventional coating system in the aircraft and automobile industry is composed by multitude of layers, and every layer possesses its own specific function. In this sense, the primer layers serve for improvement of the adhesion between the metallic substrate and the upper and finishing coatings. On the other hand, when an electrochemical method is applied for primer layer deposition, the substrate alloy structure and composition have a great impact over the primer layer deposition process, and the respective primer layer features and performance. The present brief study is devoted on the comparison of the morphological features of cerium oxide primer layers electrodeposited on two different alloys with identical compositions.

Key words: Cerium oxide primer layers, AA2024-T3, D16 AM, galvanostatic deposition.

Contact author: Dipl. Eng. Stephan Kozhukharov Ph. D. University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia),

Е-mail: stephko1980@abv.bg.

Publication in: Proceedings of University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” - 2016


Т. Хараланова, К. Гиргинов. Органични съединения, като инхибитори за мека стомана в 1 M H2SO4  . Абстракт: Изследван е иновационният инхибиращ ефект на две органични съединения: 2-(4-cyanophenyl)-1-oxo-1H-inden-3-yl acetate и 2-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-oxo-1H-inden-3-yl acetate върху образци от стомана 3 в 1 M H2SO4. Чрез гравиметричен анализ са определени скоростта на корозия, ефективността на инхибитора и коефициента на защитният му ефект. Всички експерименти са проведени при вариране концентрацията на инхибитора в интервала (10-6 - 2x10-5 mol dm-3), при 25 ± 1°C. Изследването на действието на инхибитора е оценено в стационарни корозионни условия. Изчислените стойности на параметрите, характеризиращи корозионния процес, показват задоволителен инхибиторен ефект на изследваните вещества.

Ключови думи: корозия, стомана-3, органични съединения, инхибитори.

Автор за контакт: К. Гиргинов - girginov@uctm.edu

Публикувано в: Bulgarian Journal of Science Education: Chemistry


N. Simeonov, V. Samichkov, St. Miloshev. Assessment and comparison of the healing efficiency based on mechanical properties in one self-healing system using different healing agents.

 Abstract: The aim of this research is to evaluate and compare healing efficiency by measuring bending stiffness on flat samples of self-healing polymer composite with incorporated vascular healing system based on hollow glass fabric filled with different healing agents. For developing a self-healing polymer composite one of the most important elements is how to choose a proper healing agent. For this reason four different healing agents were used in one type system and mechanical properties were compared. It is important also the methodology for evaluation of healing efficiency, so for this research it was chosen Bending Stiffness for laminates as an evaluation method.

Key words: Self-healing composites, vascular network, bending stiffness, epoxides, glass fiber reinforced polymers, four point.

Докладвано на: XXX Международна конференци“Дефектоскопия’15, 15-20 юни Созопол , България


N. Simeonov, V. Samichkov, J. Mirchev, St. Miloshev. Ultrasonic investigation of self-healing properties of polymer composites containing hollow glass fiber fabric.

 Abstract: The aim of this research is to estimate healing efficiency by measuring ultrasonic investigation on flat samples of self-healing polymer composite with incorporated vascular healing system based on hollow glass fabric filled with 1, 4-butandioldiglycidylether.  There were calculated E modulus, G modulus and also Poisson's coefficient of the samples. Healing efficiency was monitored on the basis of these parameters.

Key words: Self-healing composites, hollow glass vascular network, glass fiber reinforced polymers, non destructive testing.

Докладвано на: XXX Международна конференци“Дефектоскопия’15, 15-20 юни Созопол , България



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