Eng.Chem. Maria Ivanova
Personal Data

Nationality: Bulgarian
                Name: Mrs. Ivanova-Sharabanska, Mariya Encheva                    
              Date of birth: 13 September 1976, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
                 Address: Student Town, bl. 60, entr.B, app.401, Sofia-1734, Bulgaria
Marital status:        Married, one daughter
Languages: English, Italian, German

Professional Data

Education and Qualification

- 1983-1994 -  Secondary High School "Emilian Stanev", Veliko Tarnovo, BG

- 1994-1999 -  University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM) - Sofia

    - in 1999 - Graduation in Chemical Engineering, Speciality "Material Science and Engineering", Department of Silicate Materials and Technology, UCTM

- 1999 -  English Language Course, Sofia

           -    2001 - English Language Course at BBC Center, Sofia; Ceritified

- 2002 -  French Intensive Course, Sofia

Academic career

- 2001- 2004 -  Ph. D. Student at UCTM, Sofia, Bulgaria;
At present: In a procedure of Dr Degree receiving Ph.D.Thesis: "Inorganic Membranes: Synthesis and Characterization"
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Dr Scs Eng Vladimir Kozhukharov

Professional Experience and Specializations

    - 2000 - 2001-  Chemical Engineer at the Department of Silicate Materials and Technology, UCTM - Sofia                         

-  2001 - 2004 -    Scientific and research work as a Ph. D. student in UCTM, Sofia      
          - Mar - Sep 2002 -  Specialization at the University of Calabria after ERASM fund, c/o "Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering", ITM - CNR (former IRMERC - CNR), I-87030 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy
Title of specialization: "Synthesis and Characterization of Selected Zeolite Membranes with Application in Cataly Membrane Reactors"
       Scientific leaders: Prof. Enrico Drioli (UNICAL, It) and Prof. Vladimir Kozhukharov (UCTM, BG)

           -  Sept 2002 - Participation at Summer School on "Metal-ligand interactions in molecular systems on nano-, micro- and macro- levels in a complex environment", Cetraro, Italy
- April - June 2003 - Awarded with a scholarship of Bulgarian Ministry of Science and Education jointly with the French Community of Belgium for 3- month-specialization at the University of Liege, Department of Chemistry B6,
Laboratory of Structural Inorganic Chemistry,Sart-Tilman, Liege, Belgium
       Title of specialization: "Synthesis and Characterization of doped LaGaO3 for SOFC electrolytes"
Scientific leaders: Prof. Rudi Cloots (University of Liege, BE) and Prof. Vladimir Kozhukharov (UCTM, BG)

- 14 - 19 September 2003 -  Participation at the 3rd European Summer School on Electrochemical Engineering, Patras, Greece

- 11 - 16 September 2005 -  Participation at the 2nd Real-SOFC Summer School on "Characterization techniques for SOFC materials, cells,stacks", Ovronnaz, Switzerland
Organization by: EPFL (CH), EMPA (CH), IP Real-SOFC PMO(FZJ, DE), Ovronnaz, Switzerland;
Chairmen: Dr. Augustin McEvoy (EPFL, CH), Dr. Martin Smith (EPFL, CH) and Dr. Peter Holtappels (EMPA, CH);
Invited lecturers: Dr. Robert Steinberger-Wilckens (FZJ,DE and
IP Real-SOFC coordinator), Prof. Bernard Boukamp (University of Twente, NL)

- 28 - 29 Nov 2005 -  Participation at JRC-IE's Enlargements and Integration        Workshop on "Fuel Cells Testi Aspects" Petten,the Netherlands

             -  Since 2004 at present Chemical Engineer at the Department of Silicate Materials and Technology, UCTM - Sofia

Organizational and teaching affiliations

         -  2003-2004 - Practical course in "High temperature method of synthesis" for magister students
         - 2001-2004 - Scientific consultant of the diploma works of 3 magister students and 1 bachelor student.

Field of Research

SOFC development Advanced Energy sources
Electrolytes for SOFC (particularly: materials for intermediate temperature SOFC operation)
Physical Chemistry of solids Advanced ceramics materials
Inorganic membrane science and technology (particularly: zeolite membranes and ionic conducting membranes)
Thin films and coatings Advanced methods of synthesis
Materials properties and structure investigation

    International Experience

5-th Frame Program

                                               ÅU-Project ICA2- CT-200010030 "Natural gas fuelled solid oxide fuel                                                   cells (SOFC's) for cogeneration of electricity and chemicals"

Project coordinator: Dr. Stylianos Neophytides- ICE/HT-FORTH,Greece
Local coordinator: Prof. V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: Keele University, United Kingdom; EPFL, Switzerland;Boreskof Institute of Catalysis Novosibirsk, Russia; Institute in Ekaterinenburg, Russia; University of Alma-Ata, Kazahstan
Duration of the project: 2000 - 2003
Position: Chemical Engineer and Researcher

6-th Frame Program

ÅU-Project IP FP6- 502612 " Realising Reliable, Durable, Energy Efficient and Cost Effective SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell)
Systems "- REAL- SOFC 
Project coordinator: Dr. Robert Steinberger-Wilckens;
Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany
Local coordinator: Prof. V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: 27 partners from 12 countries
Duration of the project: 02. 2004 - 01. 2008
Position: Work Task 6.3. Leader, Student Exchange Activities

6-th Frame Programme

                                              ÅU-Project SSA FP6- 510314 "Application of Nanotechnologies for                                                      Separation and Recovery of Volatile Organic Compounds from Waste Air Streams" - ANVOC
Project coordinator: Dr. Ebru Mehmetli - TUBITAK - Marmara Research Center, Energy Systems &
Environmental Research Institute,Turkey
Local coordinator: Prof. V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: 4 project partners, from 3 countries
Duration of the project: 06.2004 - 07. 2005
Position: Collaborator in conference print materials office

Contract K-10-05-A (2004), Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science- National Fund "Scientific Research"   Title "Films for Intermediate Temperature SOFC"
Partners: UCTM, Bulgaria (Prof. V. Kozhukharov), Dalian Maritime University, PR China (Prof. Junkai Sun) and University Jaume I, Spain, (Prof. J. B. Carda)
Duration of the project: 07.2004 - 07.2006
Position: Chemical Engineer and Researcher

6-th Frame Programme

                                             EU- Project IP-   No: IP 011783-2 Call identifier: FP6-2003-NMP-NI-3 ;                                                    Priority 3 - NMP (Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based multifunctional materials and
new production processes and devices)
                                             Title:"Advanced environmentally friendly multifunctional corrosion                                                    protection by nanotechnology" - MULTIPROTECT

               Project coordinator: Prof. Dr. Helmuth Schmidt - Leibniz-Institut fur Neue Materialien gem. GmbH (INM), Germany
Local coordinator: Prof.  V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: 31 partners from 14 countries
Duration of the project: 02.2005 - 02.2009

Position: Work Tasks Leader in Work Packages 6 and 7, concerning Project results and achievements
dissemination and Student Exchange Activities

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