C U R R I C U L U M      V I T A E

Prof. D.Sc. Kliment HADJOV


2006 -  Doctor Honoris Causaof the University of Reims-France




1968    French College  “Alphonce de Lamartine” in Sofia.

1973    Master degree –Mechanical Engineering from the Technical University  -  Sofia.



1975        Assistant Professor dept. Applied Mechanics of the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy – UCTM  - Sofia.

1981    Doctor degree from the Technical University  -  Sofia.   

1985    Assistant Professor  in the UCTM  - Sofia.                                                                             

1990    Associate Professor  in the UCTM  - Sofia.

2002    Height Doctor Degree from the Technical University  -  Sofia.

2004    Professor in the UCTM  - Sofia   



1991    Two years – Professor in the Technical University of Nabeul- Tunisia.

1999    One month - Collaborator in the Technical University of Hamburg, dept. Composite Materials.



1982     University of Moscow  “Lomonossov” – dept. Theory of  plasticity.

1996          « Ecole Centrale de Lyon » , dept.  Mechanics of  Solids (France).

1997          Technical University of  Budapest (Hungary), dept. Mechanics.

1998          Technical University of Hamburg (Germany).




1999      Two weeks in the University of  CraiovaRomania.

2000      Two weeks in the University of  CraiovaRomania.


PUBLICATIONS (See list of publications):

             130 works concerning the mechanics of alloys and composites


a)  published in the following journals:

outside  Bulgaria

Mechanics of Composite Materials -Riga, 

European Journal of Mech.& Environmental Engineering - Brussels,

Journal of Thermal Sciences – France,

Annals of the University of CraiovaRomania,

in  Bulgaria

Journal of  Theoretical and Applied Mechanics – Sofia,

Journal of the UCTM, Sofia,

Annals of the University of Architecture, Geodesy and Civil Engineering - Sofia,

Annals of  the Technical UniversitySofia,

Journal of  Physicochemical Mechanics – Sofia.

Journal of Technical Ideas - Sofia


            b)  published in the Proceedings of the following Conferences:

outside  Bulgaria

Nitra – Slovakia.

Cambridge – UK.

Merseburg – Germany.

Proceedings of the ConferencePolymer Composites 90” , Petersburg.

Junior Euromat, Lausanne.

BRA­MAT, Brashov - Rumania.

ICCE-10, New Orleans, USA.

ECCM-10, Bruges, Belgium.

ECCM-11, Rhodes, Greece.


in  Bulgaria

International Conference on Mechanics &Technology of Composite Materials- Sofia.

International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics - Sofia.


TEXTBOOKS (See full list of textbooks):

Applied Mechanics

Strength of Materials                                                                                     

Mechanical Comportment of Materials (in French)

            Mechanics of Materials – edited in Romania (in French)

            Theory of  Elasticity and Plasticity

Application of the FEM.


Scientific fields:

            Composites – mechanical properties, homogenization, damage, failure, rheology - modeling and characterization

Nanofluids – thermal properties of suspensions which contain anisotropic nanophases with different form


Scientifical contracts with international participation:


1999 - Contract SFB 371 “Mikromechanik mehrphasiger Werkstoffe”, Special research prog­ramm, Technical University of Hamburg - Germany.

2003  - Contract – Ðèëà 6, ¹781 – Theoretical and experimental investigation of concrete structures reinforced by composite materials.

2004 -  Contract with the University of Reims, France  - Investigation of reinforced composite structures

2006 - Contract with the Ministry of Science and EducationMechanical behavior and effectiveness of structures containing structural defects  reinforced by composite materials  

2008  - Contract with the Assoc. of the Francophone UniversitiesModeling and characterization of the thermal behaviours of suspensions containing nanoinclu­sions with arbitrary shape





            French, German, Russian, English.




            University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy

            Dept. Applied Mechanics                              

            blv. Kl. Ohridski   8,   

            1756  Sofia - Bulgaria                                                                        

            tel. ++359 2  81 63 464,         

            E-mail:  klm@uctm.edu         






















Prof. Kliment Hadjov



Publications in scientifical journals in Europe


1.Popov K., Mandichev G.,Hadjov Kl   A model for investigation of the relaxation by torsion of polymer in liquid media, Mechanics of Composite Materials N6, Riga, 1979, p.1119-1130. 

2.Popov K.,Hadjov Kl  Relationships Between Relaxation Characteristics and Creep for Isotropic Materials, Mechanics of Composite Materials, N1, 1980, p.10-15. Translated from Russian in MCMAD7(1)1-130(1980) , vol.16,No1, p.5-10.

             3.Hadjov Kl, Popov K., Mandichev G. About one Modification of the Damage Theory,  Mechanics of Composite Materials, Riga, N6, 1981, p.1115-1117.   

             4.Hadjov Kl, Mandichev G., Popov K. Critical Time and Stability Criterion for Viscous Beams, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Riga, N2, 1982, p.284-289.

5.Popov K.,Hadjov Kl. Load-Bearing Capacity of Fragile Orthotropic Plates Under the Conditions of Creep, Fifth International Conference “Deformation, Yield and Fracture of Polymers, Churchill College, Cambridge, 1982, p.69.

6.Popov K.,Hadjov Kl  Durée de vie de matériaux orthotropes chargés en dehors des axes, Mechanics of Composite Materials, N3, 1983, p.70-75.

7.Popov K.,Hadjov Kl. Limit Equilibrium of a Unlimited Viscous Plate with Crack, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Riga, N1,1986, p.60-64. 

            8.Popov K.,Hadjov Kl.  A Model to Investigate the Displacement of a Crack in a Plate, VI International Congress “APLICHEM”, Bratislava, Slovaquie, 1988, p.12-17.

9.Hadjov Kl.  Popov K. Charactéristiques effectives héréditaires  des composites à matrice en polymère, Comptes Rendus “Composites en polymers 90”, partie 1,  Petersbourg – Russie, 1990, p.53-56.

            10.Hadjov Kl., M.Marin   Anisotropic Elasticity for  Polylayered  Aggregates, Annals of the Uni­versity of Craiova, N1, 1999, p.62-69.

11.Hadjov Kl. Texture Tensors of Heterogeneous Anisotropic Solids and  Homogenization Technique, Annals of the University of Craiova, N6, 2001.

            12.Hadjov Kl.&K.G.Popov Anisotropic Elasticity of fibre and poly-layered aggregate rein forced materials European  Journal  Mech. & Env. Eng. Vol.45, N3, 2000, p.131-137.                              

            13.Hadjov Kl., Orientation of Uni- and Biaxial Particles   in a Deforming Matrix with Applica­tion to the Drawing Process of High Modulus Polyethylene Fibres, European  Journal  Mech. & Env. Eng. Vol. 46, N3 , 2001, p.171-177.

            14.Hadjov Kl. Tenseurs Effectifs de Conductivité Thermique des Composites a Texture Arbit­raire, Jour­nal of thermal sciences, vol.20/4,2002, p.407-416.

15.Hadjov Kl., A.Alexandrov   Homogenization of Directionally Solidified Superalloys, Material Weeks, München, 2001.

16.Hadjov Kl. Homogenized Material Tensors in Composite Materials with Arbitrary Texture, Composites For The Future, ECCM-10, Brugge, 2002.

            17.Hadjov Kl  Généralisation Thermodynamique d’un  modèle viscoélastique en 3D, Eur.Journ. of  Mech. Eng. Vol.48, N4, 2003, p.225-230.

18.Hadjov Kl., A.Aleksandrov, D.Koleva, Homogenization of Directionally Solidified Anisotro­pic Crystals, Junior Euromat, Lausanne, 2002. 

            19.Hadjov Kl., M.Marin Thermodynamical Failure Criterion by Finite Strains, BRA­MAT, Bra­shov, 2003, p.20-23

            20.Hadjov Kl., M.Marin  Simplification of the elastic matrix of anisotropic solids, BRA­­MAT, Bra­shov, 2003, p.24-29.

             21.Hadjov Kl., Aleksandrov Al, Gyosheva D.  Homogenization technique concerning composites with arbitrary oriented anisotropic phases, ICCE-10, New Orleans, 2003.

22.Hadjov K.B., D.P.Dontchev, Y.Delmas, A.Li  Damage Model to Predict the Life -Time in 3D, 17-ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Troyes, France,2005.

            23.Hadjov K.B, Chirtoc  M., Henry J.-F. Sur la Conductivité Thermique des Fluides Contenant des Nanoinclusions Quasi-sphériques, 18-ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Grenoble, France,2007.



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MANUALS - Lectures


1.K.Hadjov Comportement mécanique des matériaux (in French), Ed.Tip-Top Press, Sofia, 2001, p.87.

2.Hadjov Kl,Dontchev D. Résistance des matériaux (in French), Ed.Universitaire de l’UCTM, Sofia, 2001, p.86.

3.Hadjov Kl., Marin M.   Mécanique des matériaux, Ed.Universitaria, Craiova, 2002, p.164.  (in French – Roumain edition-Craiova, discussed in Roumania in the journal « Obiectif Mehedintean » 16.04.2002.)

4.Hadjov Kl.  Théorie de l’élasticité et de la plasticité, Ed.Universitaire de l’UCTM, Sofia, 2001, p.54.

5.Hadjov Kl , Dontchev D.  Application des éléments finis en mécanique, Ed.Universitaire de l’UCTM, Sofia, 2003, p.88 – cours spécial pour les doctorants de l’UCTM.

6.Hadjov Kl., Velkov N. Technische Mechanik (in German), UCTM, Sofia, 2008, p.160.


MANUALS – Solving problems


7.Nacheva Z.,Veltchev A., Alexandrov A., Hadjov Kl.  Theoretical Mechanics, Ed. of the University - UCTM, 1981.

8.Nacheva Z.,Veltchev A., Alexandrov A., Hadjov Kl.  Strength of Materials, Ed. of the University - UCTM, Sofia, 1981.

9.Lasarov P., Alexandrov A, Hadjov Kl., Veltchev A.  Theoretical Mechanics, Ed. of the University UCTM, Sofia, 1984.

10.Nacheva Z.,Alexandrov A., Hadjov Kl., Veltchev A.  Applied Mechanics, Ed. of the University UCTM, Sofia, 1984.

11.Nacheva Z., Alexandrov A., Veltchev A., Hadjov Kl.  Theoretical Mechanics-problems, Ed. of the University UCTM, Sofia, 1984.

12.Nacheva Z., Alexandrov A., Veltchev A., Hadjov Kl.  Strength of Materials - problems, Ed.of the University - UCTM, Sofia, 1991.

13.Hadjov Kl., Alexandrov A. Mécanique Appliquée I, Applied Mechanics I - Problems , Ed.of the University - UCTM, Sofia, 1989.

14.Hadjov Kl., Alexandrov A.  Applied Mechanics I - Problems , Ed.of the University - UCTM, Sofia, 1991.






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