ХТМУ - София
Катедра Приложна механика
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  department "Applied Mechanics"


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© 2008-2018  Department of Applied Mechanics - UCTM, Sofia

Created by   J. Javorova

Department of Applied Mechanics
    UCTM  Sofia
The Department of Applied Mechanics        of University of Chemical Technology and

Metallurgy was established in 1953. It is active in several research areas and provides high

quality teaching in a large variety of subjects in all educational degrees.        staff consists 

of 15 members (2015), thirteen of them permanent academic personnel, one administrative

employe and one technician. The lecturers teach over 1500 students per year in

fundamental subjects as Technical Drawing, Technical Mechanics, Mechanics, Strength of

Materials, Machinery and Machine design, as well as in some specialized courses in Master's

and Doctor's programs. Furthermore for the last years over 15 PhD students are elaborated

their PhD dissertations within the frame of the Department research projects.       is equipped

with conventional machine tools and units, conventional measuring instruments, network of

computers, etc. Within the scope of its research activities, the Department cooperates  

with Bulgarian and European Research Institutions and companies. Numerous research 

projects have been completed, supported by Research and Development Sector at UCTM,   

public or private, national or international funds and further ones are in progress. Results 
of the research efforts of      are published regularly in UCTM Journals. The highlights of the 

research activities, performed by       personnel, appear frequently as journal publications  

and in the proceedings of national and international conferences and congresses.