Brief Biografy

Date of birth:        24.December.1980
Nationality:        Bulgarian           

Education and degree

1999-2003 B. D. Of chemical engineering;HTMU-Sofia
2004- 2008 Ph. D. student
Foreign languages        English, Russian
Subject of the Thesis        Synthesis and investigation of anode materials for SOFC
Supervisor:        Prof. Dr. V. Kozhukharov

Scientific interest

Physical Chemistry of Silicate materials, Advanced materials and methods for synthesis, High temperature processes, High temperature catalytic synthesis, sol- gel technology, Solid oxide fuel cells, Physical Chemistry of surface and phenomena


V. Kozhukharov, M. Ivanova, N. Velinov, Ya.Tzvetkova and M. Machkova, Status of the research regarding the materials for SOFCs  , ENERGY Forum, 11- 13 June 2004, Intern. House of Scientists "F.J. Cuirie", St.St. Constanttine and Elena Resort, Varna, Bulgaria.

Y. Tsvetkova and V. Kozhukharov, Anode materials for SOFCs: state-of the art, V-th national conf. of Chemistry; 29.09.-01.10. 2004 Sofia; Bulgaria (in Bulgarian).

Y. Tsvetkova, V. Kozhukharov, S. Kozhukharov "Анодни материали за твърдоокисни горивни клетки - съвременно състояние" Tehnomat & Infotel 2004 - Materials, Methods and Technology, Scientific articlesVol.ІV, Part 2-ISBN 954 9368 076.

V. Kozhukharov , Y. Tsvetkova, Structure investigations in the SrO - Nb2O5 system, The third Balkan Conference on Glass Science & Technology and the 15th Conference on Glass & Ceramics,26 - 30 September 2005, International House of Scientists, Varna, BULGARIA.

Y. Tsvetkova and  V. Kozhukharov, New Anode Materials for SOFCs, Jubilee Scientific Conference "60 Years Department of Inorganic Chemistry", 11 November 2005, UCTM, Sofia, Bulgaria ІІ.Р.12 (2005) 144, (in Bulgarian)

International activities - Education Programs

Specialization for 3 months, ERASMUS, University of Aveiro, Portugal Ceramics end Glass Engineering Department;

Summer school on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - from 5 to 10.September. 2004; Patras-Greece;

Specialization for 3 months, 6-th Frame Program  Project  IP FP6- 502612; Patras-Greece;

Research Projects

Specialization for 3 months, ERASMUS, University of Aveiro, Portugal Ceramics end Glass Engineering Department;

Summer school on Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - from 5 to 10.September. 2004; Patras-Greece;

Specialization for 3 months, 6-th Frame Program  Project  IP FP6- 502612; Patras-Greece;

6-th Frame Program  Project  IP FP6- 502612 "Realising Reliable, Durable, Energy Efficient and Cost Effective SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) Systems " REAL- SOFC 
Project coordinator: Dr. Robert Steinberger-Wilckens- Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany
Local coordinator: Dr. V. Kozhukharov  - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: 27  project partners  from 12 countries , (Period 02.2004 - 01.2008)

Contract K-10-05-A (2004), Ministry of Education and Science- National Fund "Scientific Research" Title "Films for Intermediate Temperature SOFC" Partners: UCTM, Bulgaria (Prof. Vl. Kozhukharov), Dalian Maritime University, PR China (Prof. Junkai Sun) and University Jaume I , Spain, (Prof. J. B. Carda) (07.2004 - 07.2006)

Dipl. Eng. Yana Valentinova Tsvetkova
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