The group of  LAMAR Laboratory is consist of  16 persons. Every one of them  works over several defined tasks.
Prof. Kozhukharov , Vladimir

Scientific research advisors

Doctoral students

One of the most important scopes of the activities of LAMAR Laboratory is the education of young specialists durant their work in the University and the presentation of  their works  in different conferences and ect. All of the young specialists are working over tasks, which are  dirrectly related with international contracts of the LAMAR lab.

Eng.chem.  Kozukharov , Stephan 

Technical support advisory group

  For the realization of  the experimental work of the laboratory, there is a special team of technical- support advisors. They work over the technical realization of the experimental activities in the Laboratory. The persons represented in this group, are practically responsible for thetechnical arraignment and maintaining of the equipment and devices in the laboratory. Because of this fact, all of the persons have a special experience and knowledge in thescope of the engineering sciences and industrial organization.
            Assoc.Prof. Nenov , Ivan                                                                          Assistant D-r  Balova, Savina    
    Eng. Dr. Grigorov , Sergey                                                                      Dr. Brashkova , Nadezhda 
                                 Eng.chem.  Hristov, Andrei                                                                       Eng.chem. Tsaneva , Gabriela                                         
           Eng.chem. Ivanova, Maria                                                                       Eng.chem. Velinov , Nikolay .  Pavlova , Liliana       Assoc. prof. Machkova , Maria Tzvetanova , Alexandrina 
Eng.chem.  Gerganov , Todor                            Eng.chem. Tsvetkova , Yana      

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