Education, Qualification and Scientific Degrees (Diploma Issue)
[1] Dipl. Chem. Eng., M.Sc. Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology Sofia (1963-1968), Chem. Eng.
[2] Ph.D., Diploma 3940/ 1973, Institute of Chemical Technology- Sofia (1970-1973), Inorganic Glass
Science & Technology.
[3] English Language Course, Certificate 4448/ 1976, Institute Foreign Students-Sofia (1975-1976).
[4] First attain academic rank Assoc. Prof. Cert. 9891/ 1987, Institute of Chemical Technology- Sofia (1986-1995);
Physics and Chemistry of Silicates, Glass Science and Technology.
[5] Second attain academic rank Assoc. Prof. Cert. 17364/ 1995, University of Chemical Technology and
Metallurgy-Sofia (1995- present); High temperature and advanced methods of synthesis.
[6] Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Cert., 29114/ 07.06.2004, High Attestation Council at Ministry Council - Bulgaria ,
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy-Sofia ;
[7] Professor (Chemistry 02.10.12) Cert., 23215 / 26.08.2005, High Attestation Council at Ministry Council - Bulgaria,
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy-Sofia ;
Lecture's topics and fields of knowledge
Durant his lecturer's career, he is leader of curses "Application of the Lasers in the Chemical Technologies";
High Temperature and Advanced Methods of Synthesis"; for bachelor's course.
"New Vitreous and Glass-ceramic materials" "Organization and control in the silicate Industry" and
"Materials Modeling" for students of Master's course, specialty "Technology of Materials and Material'sknowlege"
Since the creation of technologic college "Razgrad" to Technologic University "A. Kounchev" Rousse,
he is lecture there.
Scientific exchange and specializations
[1] Specialization DAAD, Institute of Material Science (WW-III) at University Erlangen- Nurnberg, Germany,
Host scientist: Prof. Dr. Dr. Herbert Oel, ( from V to VIII. 1978)
[2] Specialization DAAD, Institute of Nonmetallic Materials at University Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany ,
Host scientist: Prof. Dr. Gunter Frischart, (XI. 1990 - II. 1991)
[3] TEMPUS Individual Mobility Grant (1995/96) No IMG-BG-2021-95, Host organization: University of Patras, Institute
of Chem. Eng. & High Temp. Chem. Processes, Greece, Host scientist - Prof, Dr. C. Vagenas, (May - June 1996)
[4] Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship, Host organizations: TOHOKU University,
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Sendai (Prof. T. Sato) and National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science & Technology, Institute of Energy Electronics, (Prof. H. Yokokawa);
Topic of research "Study on advanced catalyst and nanomaterials for high effective energy conversion",
( June- July 2001)
At present he is leader of four international scientific and educational societies:
1) Regular Member of Non-Oxide Glass Society (NOGS), Universite de Renne, France (membership No 87037);
2) Regular member of the Union of Bulgarian Scientists, Sofia, Bulgaria, (membership No 10069);
3) Regular member of the American Ceramic Society(G&C), Westerville, Ohio, (membership No 128564)
4) Regular member of EUROSCIENCE- from 2002, Strasbourg, France;
[1] In 1987 - State Research Award from "Rabotnichesko Delo" for "Advance Technologies"about TEA CO2
Laser Marking and Decoration Technology application to the Industry.
[2] In 2004 - Silber medal of University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar
- Above 260 articles and reports,
- Bulgarian Patents 26,
- Germany Pat. 2 and US Pat. 2, EU Pat. 1;
- Registered scientific citations (SCI)of the articles above 650 ;
[1] V.Kozhukharov"BOROSILICATE GLASSES analysis and control " Manual I - The "3.3" glasses-
Raw materials (1991) ; Manual II - The "3.3" glasses- Composition analysis and control (1991);
Manual III - Properties of "3.3" glasses (1991) and Manual IV- The "3.3"glasses - Quality Control (1991) in English
[2] V. Kozhukharov "High Temperature Methods of Synthesis" (2004) in Bulgarian,
2-nd issue in preparation in Spanish Language (2006).
What I consider for my specialization
1) Physical Chemistry of Silicates (Glass & Ceramic New materials)
2) Phase equilibrium and phase diagrames (Study and Interpretation)
3) Materials Science and advanced methods of synthesis & processing
4) Materials Science and Technology: Methods of testing & control
5) Lasers and their applications in chemistry and solid state science
6) New materials for advanced applications, including Energy.
Professional Experience
1) From Jan. 1986- till now, Dept. Silicate Technology at the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy,
Head of Laboratory of Advanced Materials Research (LAMAR), training of students at Undergraduate and
Graduate levels - B. Sc., M. Sc. & Ph.D courses.
2) From Sept. 1989 to May 1991, University of Mining and Geology- Sofia, Head of Central Research
Laboratory 'Geochemistry', including 8 sub- Labs.
3) From Oct. 1973 to Jan. 1986, Dept. Silicate Technology at the University of Chemical Technology as
Scientific Collaborator and Dr. Technical. Science.
4) From March 1970 to Oct. 1973, Chem. Eng., and Ph.D. student in Dept. Silicate Technology at the
Institute of Chemical Technology- Sofia (formal aspirant).
5) From Jan. 1969 to Apr. 1970, enterprise 'STIND' in Sofia, Chem. Eng. in the Industry.
International Teaching Activities
[1] TEMPUS Individual Mobility Grant (1995/96) No IMG-BG-2021-95, Host Ins. University of Patras,
Institute of Chem. Eng. & High Temp. Chem. Processes, Greece
[2] Lecture curses as guest-lecturer:
"Cursos Internationales de Verano", Univ. de la Laguna-Tenerife, Summer Course YAIZA' 92,
Title: "Modern trends in materials characterization" Yaiza, Lanzarote, Canaries Isl., Spain (13- 17 July 1992).
Book issue; "Characterization Techniques of Glasses and Ceramics" Eds. J.M. Rincon, M.Romero ,
Springer- Verlag (1999); ISBN 3-540-63657-9.
- EC Edu. Program COMETT II, Title; "Advanced ceramics, vitreous and glass-ceramics materials" EC project:
No 93/S/7734/Ca, Univ. Jaume I, Castellon, Spain(1994)
- Generalitat Valenciana, UNESCO code:331203, Title: "Synthesis of materials with optical properties"
Project No 103717, Univ. Jaume I, Castellon, Spain(Sept. 1994).
- EC Summer School on "Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology", 5-10 September , 2004-Patras, Greece.
Member of the Organization Committee, Foundation of Research and Technologies Hellas- Institute of
Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes (FORTH-ICE/HT) Patras, Greece,
Sponsor EC, 6-th Framework Programme
- EC Summer School on "Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Technology", 3-8 September, 2006-, Lemnos, Greece,
Member of the Organization Committee, Foundation of Research and Technologies Hellas- Institute of
Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes (FORTH-ICE/HT) Patras, Greece,
International Scientific Contracts and RTD Projects
(1988 - 1989) Forschungsarbeit , Bulgarien-BRD, Otto-Schott Inst. der Friedrich-Schiller Univ. -Jena & Chemisch-
Technologische Hochsule - Sofia. Title: "Physical and Chemical Properties and structure investigation of
some inorganic glassy substances" Subtitle 16: "Glasbildung, Eigenschaften und Structur von Tellurit-
and Gelglasern".
(1993 - 1996) Contract , Bulgaria- Spain, CSIC , Autonomous Univ. - Madrid (C-12) Institute of Materials Science & Higher
Institute of Chemical Technology- Sofia.
(1990) DAAD, Bonn-Bad Godesberg contract No 314-SP-OE-90-rut, Inst. of Nichtmetalische Werkstoffe der Techn.
Univ. Clausthal - Zellerfeld, Title:" Synthesis, phase equilibrium and crystallization phenomena of
non-oxide fluoride glasses"
(1993) EC Programme COST'93, Agreement project: No ERBCIPDCT 930331 Title:" Processing and development of
mixed-conducting oxide membranes" act. to EC project No ERBJOU2CT92-142, JOULE II title:
"Electrochemical activation of methane using solid oxide membranes ",University of Twente,
The Netherlands, Univ. of Chem. Tech. and Metallurgy-Sofia, Bulgaria and "Aristotle" Univ. of Thessaloniki ,
(1994) Contract under EC authority: Instit.of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy at BAS, Bulgaria and Berlin
Neutron Scattering Center, Germany, Title: "Neutron diffraction investigation of the SRO in tellurite glasses",
Jan. and Sept.
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and University of
Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia ( former Higher Institute of Chemical Technology- Sofia ).
Title" Neutron diffraction of mixed oxide and halide glasses" BENSC, Berlin, Germany, .
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and University of
Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia ( former Higher Institute of Chemical Technology- Sofia ).
Title" Neutron diffraction study of perovskite membranes" BENSC, Berlin ,Germany.
(2000 - 2003) 5-th Frame Program Research and Technological Development Projects Project ICA2- CT-200010030
"Natural gas fuelled solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC's) for cogeneration of electricity and chemicals "
Project coordinator: Dr. Stylianos Neophytides- ICE/HT- FORTH, Greece
Local coordinator: Dr. V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: Keele University / Great Britain; EPFL / Switzerland ; Boreskof Institute of Catalysis Novosibirsk/
Russia; Institute Ekaterinenburg / Russia ; University of Alma - Ata, Kazahstan,
(2004 - 2005) 6-th Frame Program Project SSA FP6- 510314 "Application of Nanotechnologies for Separation and
Recovery of Volatile Organic Compounds from Waste Air Streams " ANVOC
Project coordinator Dr. Ebru Mehmetli - TUBITAK - Marmara Research Center, Energy Systems &
Environmental Research Institute, Turkey
Local coordinator: Dr. V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: 4 project partners, from 3 countries,
(2004 - 2006) Contract K-10-05-A (2004), Ministry of Education and Science- National Fund "Scientific Research"
Title "Films for Intermediate Temperature SOFC" Partners: UCTM, Bulgaria (Prof. Vl. Kozhukharov),
Dalian Maritime University, PR China (Prof. Junkai Sun) and University Jaume I , Spain, (Prof. J. B. Carda)
On Going
(2004 - 2008) 6-th Frame Program Project IP FP6- 502612
"Realising Reliable, Durable, Energy Efficient and Cost Effective SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) Systems "
Project coordinator: Dr. Robert Steinberger-Wilckens- Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany
Local coordinator: Dr. V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: 27 project partners from 12 countries.
(2005 - 2009) 6-th Frame Program Project IP NMP3-CT-2005-011783
"Nanotechnologies and nanosciences, knowledge based multifunctional Materials and new Production
Project coordinator Prof. Dr. Helmuth Schmith, Leibnitz Institute for New Materials- Saarbrucken, Germany
Local coordinator: Prof.DSc.Eng. V. Kozhukharov - UCTM - Sofia, Bulgaria
Partners: 30 project partners from 13 countries.
(2005 - 2007) 6-th Frame Program Project: SES6-2004-510435
"ENlarging FUel cells and hydroGEN research co-operation" ENFUGEN
Project coordinator: Labor S.r.l.- Italy
Responsible for Bulgaria: Prof. DSc. V. Kozhukharov
Partners: 9 project partners from 5+2(Bulgaria and Romania) countris.
International Post and Expert Activities
[1] Expert in UNIDO international contract signed for development of manuals for Hanoi, Vietnam:
V. Kozhukharov " BOROSILICATE GLASSES: analysis and control "
Manuals I, II, III and IV , version 1.BS/AN/91 (1991); Manuals for chemical analysis and quality control ;
UNIDO project , United Nations Post: DP/Vie/80/030/11-55/J13428
[2] Member of 2 Tribunal-Councils for Ph.D.Thesis Act Examination , University Jaume I, Castellon, Spain,
In 29 Spetember 1995 and in 27 March 2002 councils at UJI.
[3] EC Independent Expert Section "Sustanable Energy Systems" 6-th Framework programme ,
Bruxelles, Belgium (2003).
[4] President of the Bulgarian Local Section of EUROSCIENCE, Strasbourg, France (Since 2003- at present)
[5] Vice-chairman and Independent Expert at Ministry of Education and Science, National Fund
"Scientific Research" Council Branch -Technical Science, January 2006 - at present .
Technology Transfer to the Industry
[1] Development and introduction to the industry two laser systems using TEA CO2 technological lasers for
marking and decoration of glass articles at Glass Plant "St. Peev"- Beloslav, Varna- region, Bulgaria.
in cooperation with development team from Department of Physics at Plovdiv University"P.Khilendarski(1986)
[2] Nomination and introduction into European Union- Data base for technology transfer.
Title: Clean energy via fuel cell , Year 2003.
Coordinator International Contracts for Training and Education
[1] ERASMUS Contract (1999- 2006), Bulgaria- Spain, University of Jaume I, Castellon (Prof. Dr. J. Carda),
Spain and University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia Bulgaria.
[2] ERASMUS Contract (2000- 2006), Bulgaria- Greece, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
(Assoc Prof. Dr. S. Bebelis) and University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria.
[3] ERASMUS Contract (2001- 2004),Bulgaria-Italy, University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende, Italy
(Prof. Dr. E. Drioli) and University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria.
[4] ERASMUS Contract (2006- 2007), Bulgaria-Italy, Universita degli Studi di Perugia , Via Duranti, Italy
(Prof. Piero Lunghi) and University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Ph.D. students
(1987) Eng. Rositza Kirilova , (1989) Eng. Dimitar Dimitrov
"Synthesis and investigation of films for optical memory application"
(1994) Eng. Christos Trapalis
"Synthesis of amorphous and polycrystalline coatings via sol- gel route"
(1999) Eng. Gabriela Tzaneva
"Mixconducting ceramic membranes and sensors"
(2002) Eng. Yordanka Marinova
"New ceramic pigments with perovskite structure" (in cooperation with UJI, Spain)
(2005) Dipl. Eng. Vasil Kharizanov
"Synthesis and characterization of pigments on malayaite base"
(in cooperation with UJI, Spain).
At present 5 Ph.D. students are with accent in the field:
[1] Inorganic membranes: synthesis and characterization (Dipl. Eng. Maria Ivanova),
[2] Synthesis and investigation of advanced materials for energy conversion (Dipl. Eng. Nikolay Vasilev)
[3] Synthesis and investigation of anode material for SOFC (Dipl. Eng. Yana Tzvetkova)
[4] Study of ageing behavior in SOFC (Dipl. Eng. Todor Gerganov)
[5] Study of functional nanocomposite protective films. (Dipl. Eng. Stefan Kozhukharov)
Academic interests
Physics and Chemistry of Silicates and new Materials;
Phase analysis, phase equilibrium and phase diagrams investigation;
Advanced amorphous materials (synthesis, properties and structure);
Lasers beam materials processing, thin films synthesis and treatment;
Processing from liquid phase and sol-gel route;
New effects in the ceramic materials and structure;
Submicronscale and Nanoscale materials;
Preparation, properties and structure investigations of special ceramic materials;
Advanced methods of characterizations;
Processing of ceramic materials including pigments, frits, high temperature catalysts,
thin films, intercalated compounds and etc.;
Development and characterization of ceramic membranes and materials for SOFC
devices and energy conversion;
High temperature methods of materials (including non-oxide) synthesis;
Advanced methods of synthesis, including "soft chemistry",
atom-ion and molecular structural interaction and
intercalation as well as 2D- and 3D- modeling of the materials.