Citizens of all Europen Union member countries can enter the country without an entry viza or a residance permit.
The national currency is lev. 1 lev is equal to 0.511292 EURO.
The average cost of one month living period in Sofia is:
accommodation - 30 lv.
food - 100 lv
health insurance - 10 lv
transportation - 14 lv
other - 50 lv
Foreign students coming to Bulgaria should have a prepaid health insurance for the whole period that they are going to spend in the country.
1. Library
University library possesses books and periodicals in the field of chemistry , physics , metallurgy , ecology , biology and biotechnology . Admission time for students is Monday- Friday from 8 to 12 AM and 1,30 to 4 PM. Students can borrow materials after presenting their student identity cards.
2. Computer center
UCTM has well established computing facilities , based on a general University network and several local networks. Internet access is available at every University department. University Internet address is: http://www.uctm.edu
3. Sports
University sport center offers several options for indoor and outdoor sports: tennis , karate, body building , swimming , basketball , volleyball , football , athletics
4. Accommodation
Students accommodation is in a student dormitory . Usually two students share a room with a separate shower and WC and a central heating. The payment is 30 BGLV (30 DEM) per month per person.
5. Student Meals
There are several canteens at the University Campus where students receive meals at a reduced price.