In the Department Laboratories practical courses on fundamental disciplines and specializing courses for undergraduate and graduate students are accomplished. The laboratories are equipped and powerful for execution of R&D work and tests in both fundamental and industrial oriented scientific branches.
- Laboratory “ Glass “
- Laboratory “Binding Materials and Composites”
- Laboratory “ Ceramics”
- Laboratory “Physical Chemistry of Silicates and Material Science”
- Laboratory “Structural Analysis (VIS IRS and XRD analysis)“
- Laboratory for Advanced Materials Research (LAMAR)
- Laboratory “ Mineralogy and Crystallography”
- Laboratory for Preliminary preparation and Synthesis of Materials
- Laboratory of Renewable Energy Sources
- Laboratory on Heat Transfer Engineering
- Laboratory for Undergraduate and Ph. D. Students
The equipment and research facilities for each Laboratory exist and they are in accordance with the specific research interest of the staff. In general the Department has a potential for synthesis of wide range of vitreous, ceramic, composites, binding and advanced materials via traditional and new original methods, physical and chemical characterization, crystall chemical investigations, structural study and modeling, properties prognosis, R&D of renewable energy sources and etc.