Laboratory for Advanced Materials Research
University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy
A consortium of leading research centers is created as response to the initiative of the Ministry of the Education and Science of Bulgaria for creation and establishment of of National Route map for Scientific Infrastructure (INFRAMAT). The basic aim of this consortium is to create stable interactions among scientific research units of National importance, for combination of the capabilities for elaboration of competitive hi-tech products and high performance materials. The basic directions of the planned activities related to INFRAMAT comprise natural sciences and technical applications, on one hand and the archeology, on other. Thus, the second basic purpose of he Project is to employ the recent achievements of the advanced technologies for restoration and conservation of artifacts with remarkable archeological value.
These purposes have imposed division of the consortium representatives into two modules. The first module is represented by six Institutes and one Laboratory from the Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS), the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia, represented by LAMAR and "Kliment Okhridsky" University - Sofia (SU), represented by two Faculties. The second module is consisted by three Institutes of BAS and one Faculty of SU, as well as the National History Museum, the National Academy of Arts and the New Bulgarian University.
The Laboratory for Advanced Materials Research is a part of the consortium funded for establishing of narrow and stable contacts among various scientific research units of national importance for Bulgaria. In its role as representative of the consortium, the Laboratory is engaged to perform systematical analyses and characterizations of the properties and surface performance of various advanced materials. In addition, the laboratory members are devoted to a continuous active research of new directions, as well as the initiation of collaborative contacts with leading specialists from various engineering-technical and scientific research fields in Bulgaria, the European Community and the Russian Federation.
The LAMAR LAboratory is a research unit of the Central Scientific Research Laboratopry (CSRL), which belongs to the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy - Sofia. On the basis of resolution of the Rectors' Concil of UCTM - Sofia, released at 26th. of November 2018, LAMAR laboratory has been adopted by CSRL of UCTM - Sofia, following Chanselor's EDICT № Р-ФХ-02, published at 9th of January 2019. As an integrated part of CSRL, the Laboratory is authorized to perform analytical examinations for exterior and interior customers, in accordance with the officially accepted Rules of CSRL.
The Central Scientific Research Laboratory of UCTM - Sofia possesses capabilities for execution of a variety of instrumental analyses on specimens of different industrial or natural origin, including artifacts with archeological value. CSRL of UCTM - Sofia is able to perform a versatile chemical analysis on metallic and vitreous-ceramic materials, as well as on organic compounds and substances of biological origin. For this purpose, CSRL has own research units for:
(i)- Atomic Absorption and Inductively coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectral Analyses (AAS and ICP-OES).
(ii)- UV-Vis Spectroscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (UV-VIS and FTIR).
(iii)- Thermodravimetry, Differential Thermogravimetry, Differential Thermal Analysis and
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (TG, DTG, DTA and DSC).
(iv)- Classical Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses
(v)- Gas Chromatography and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (GC and HPLC).
(vii)- Silicate Analysis of rocks, slags, conrete, etc.
Actual Price list of CSRL of UCTM - Sofia for external customers - available from cnil@uctm.edu.
Actual Price list of CSRL of UCTM - Sofia for contractors of the University - available from cnil@uctm.edu.
The analysis requests can be submitted in form of analysis purchase forms from private persons, organisations and institutions, as exterior customers, as well as from various departments and research units of UCTM - Sofia, as internal customers. In addition, there is a possibility for official visitation and demoinstrative performances.
The analysis purchases can be sent via post address: UCTM - Sofia, CSRL-laboratory, 8, "Kliment Okhridsky", blvd. 1756, building "B", third floor, office 202, or e-mail: cnil@uctm.edu
Contact person: Prof. Dancho Danalev, eng. Ph.D. leader of CSRL,