Our Mission
The mission of LAMAR is to elaborate, analyze and characterize advanced materials and to propose alternative, efficient and reliable nano-and microtechnological methods for their production. It imposes efficient combination of various activities in the fields of SCIENCE, EDUCATION and APPLICATION. The successful execution of the tasks, related to this mission is to meet adequately the needs of the modern community, science and industry by executing of the following activities:
- - Innovative education in important fields of the Material science.
- - International and interdisciplinary cooperation
- - Partnership for collaborative progress
- - Performance of research activities with high level of competence and expertise
- - Activities for assistance of the industrial business
These purposes are focused on MATERIALS with high novel combinations of beneficial properties and extended exploytation characteristics.
Expected benefits from the foundation and further development of the scientific research activities.
The participation of LAMAR in the consortium of INFRAMAT undoubtedly will result in modernisation of the approaches for scientific research activities, maintaining sufficiently high European and World-wide level. In this sense, a motivation will arise for performance of various research activities, related to the successful execution of international and national R&D projects, education and knowledge spreading. The last ones will be be realized by active participation in international symposiums and national conferences with international participation and formation of trans-institutional work-teams dedicated on HORISON 2020, etc. Actually, INFRAMAT will contribute for the active participation of LAMAR members in various initiatives of the European Community, as well as the invitation of leading world-wide prominent scientists from leading research centers, including the Central European Initiative (CIE), regarding the “Instruments for assistance of the scientific investigations in the developping countries" 2015 and CEI-PRAISE in intensive collaboration with JRC European centers. In this sense, as obviously positive result will be considered the participation of UCTM by LAMAR as a potential representative partner in СЕI-PRAISE frame program. It will be one of the 17-bulgarian participants in СЕI-PRAISE for foundation of the basic task „Research methods transfer and innovation", access via:
Strategic purposes
The strategic purposes of LAMAR are in complete concordance with these of UCTM-Sofia and could be formulated as extension of the experimental and scientific research potential of the available academic staff. A synergistic effect, regarding the increase of the educational activities level, especially towards the young specialists and undergraduate bachelor, M. Sc. and Ph.D. students. These activities are focused on the engineering technical education, and even additional post graduate qualification, in order to meet the challenges, related to of the incoming industrial production technologies. The strategic aim is also the creation of new facilities for synthesis and analysis, which is obvious social contribution for the future generations, intensifying the progress in national and European levels. These strategic purposes are in complete concordance with the national and European priorities for scientific activities intensification and modernisation of the scientific infrastructure.
Specific purposes
The specific activities of LAMAR are devoted on synthesis, structural analysis and characterization of the physical-chemical properties, as well as the elaboration of advanced materials with extended exploytation characteristics for the needs of key-sectors and marked niches. The main aim is the improvement of the scientific research and academic staff, in order to response to the nowadays actual requests of the material science and the related technologies, predominantly in fields as chemistry, physical chemistry, energetics, electronics, as follows:
- Advanced materials for alternative energy sources
- Advanced ceramic and vitreous composite and hybrid materials with novel properties
- Components for high temperature fuel cells and stacks
- Colloidal and sol-gel derived materials and related technologies for their production
- Multifunctional thin layers and membranes
- Surface and interface chemistry and surface modifications
- Nano-structured materials and nano-composites
- Nanotechnologies: synthesis, ultra-precisely textured surfaces and multifunctional effects
Main fields of scientific research activities
The research activities in LAMAR laboratory are basically related to the active particaipation in national and national research projects, devoted to the elaboration of advanced materials, capable to own specific conjunctions of properties. The basic fields of the research activities are related to: (i)- reliable anticorrosion coating systems for constructive materials, especially aircraft alloys, (ii)- sensors for environmental monitoring, as well as (iii)- ceramic materials for alternative energy sources. These priority scopes are imposed by the nowadays trends in the World-wide scientific and industrial communities. Especially, in the field of the corrosion protection, the Laboratory has participated in the successful development of multi-layer protective coating systems, capable of passive (forming dense layers with good adhesion to the protected metal) and active (protecting the metal, even after any integrity disruption) of corrosion protection.