The purpose of the program of the Material Science lecture course is to provide students basic knowledge, following an integration scheme of relationships between five major themes: composition-property-structure-synthesis-performers. Fundamental material science is a bridge connecting a set of topics with a particular interest orientated to industry. The content is consistent with accepted classification of the important engineering materials into five groups: metals, ceramics, polymers, semi-conductors and composites. The main chapters are addressed to phase transition, phase diagrams, crystallization, diffusion, sintering, evolution and degradation of materials. The theory of the first and second order phase transitions is discussed as a base for the development of functional materials with magnetic, ferroelectrical, superconducting and optical properties. Strong emphasis is placed on foundations of equilibrium phase diagrams and their application for production of materials with appropriate microstructure and properties. Eutectic, peritectic, eutectuide, monotectic, spinodal decomposition and order-disorder have been analyzed. The description of the nucleation and crystal growth theory is oriented to glass-ceramics production, tin films, single crystals, and solidification of the melts. There is brief information about the primary processing of forming, pressing, molding, blowing and casting. Sintering and recrystallisation are carefully discussed from physicochemical point of view. The laboratory exercises include solving of separate practical problems, using typical modern materials. The purpose of the practicum is development of students’ ability to predict and to design new materials, applying general physicochemical principals.